Monday, August 28, 2023

Resilience Rediscovered: The Spider's Plea

 I used to find immense joy in gardening. There was something magical about feeding my plants, giving them love, and watching them flourish under my care. But life happened, as it often does. The daily challenges of my job, the responsibilities of being a father to my kids, and a husband to my wife took priority. Slowly, my passion for gardening faded away, and my once-vibrant garden transformed into a desolate, depressing patch of dead plants, immortal green onions and lifeless soil.

One day, as I stood in front of my neglected garden, I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. The soil was dry and dusty, the plants withered, and the entire space seemed to mirror the way I had been feeling lately. The thought of giving up and tearing everything down crossed my mind more than once. I believed that maybe it was time to let go of the garden that had once brought me so much happiness.

I reached out to pluck a dried-up leaf from a lifeless shrub when a sudden movement caught my eye. A tiny spider, no bigger than my thumbnail, had leaped onto my hand. I froze, captivated by the creature's presence. It was a delicate creature, its tiny body covered in intricate patterns and colors. But what struck me the most were its eyes—tiny black beads that seemed to hold a universe of emotion.

For a moment, I locked eyes with the spider. In that exchange, it felt as though the creature was speaking to me, imploring me to reconsider my thoughts. A wave of realization washed over me, and it was as if I was being reminded of the beauty and vitality that once resided within my garden. The spider's presence was a small yet profound awakening—a reminder that life, even in its tiniest forms, was worth nurturing.

Gently, I lowered my hand, allowing the spider to crawl off. I looked around at my garden, seeing it through fresh eyes. The same garden that I had allowed to wither away now held the potential for revival. Inspired by the spider's silent plea, I realized that my garden was not just a collection of plants, but a living testament to life's resilience.

Over the next few days, I dedicated myself to rejuvenating my garden. I weeded, watered, and nurtured the soil. I pulled all the dead plants, organized the green onions, watered and watered that thirsty soil until what looked like a desert now looked like a properly hydrated challenge. Bit by bit, the garden responded to my efforts. New insects emerged, leaves unfurled, and the air was once again filled with the fragrance of cow manure and bone meal. 

As my garden flourished, so did my own spirit. The act of nurturing life had rekindled a fire within me that had long been dimmed. I found myself spending more time outdoors, feeling the soil beneath my fingers, and connecting with nature in a way that I had almost forgotten. The joy and contentment that had eluded me for so long had returned, thanks to a tiny spider that had reminded me of the beauty and resilience of life.

And as I stood amidst the vibrant colors and lush foliage, I knew that I owed a debt of gratitude to the tiny creature that had opened my eyes. The spider had taught me that no matter how challenging life became, there was always room for revival, growth, and beauty. My garden had become a symbol of hope and renewal, a testament to the power of nature's persistence. And for that, I would forever be thankful to the little spider that had looked into my eyes and whispered a silent plea for a second chance.

The spider's gaze, filled with silent urgency, brought to mind the Lorax —a guardian of nature, speaking for the trees and all that inhabit the earth. Just as the Lorax implored the Once-ler to consider the consequences of his actions, the spider's eyes seemed to convey a similar message, urging me to reflect on the impact of neglecting my garden and the life it once held. Just as the Lorax's plea sparked change, so too did the spider's presence inspire a transformation within me.

As I nurtured my garden back to life, a new addition began to take shape. Alongside the blossoming flowers and thriving foliage, a small rock found its place. On this rock, my daughter had painted a single word: "UNLESS." It was a simple yet profound reminder of the power of individual action, a homage to the Lorax's wisdom, and a tribute to the spider's silent plea.

It's good to be back, doing the things that bring me joy. I hope you have as much joy and inspiration in your life as this garden has brought to mine, and this blog will serve as a reminder that even during the darkest times, a little inspiration can lead to a flourishing of the soul. 

Hay que escribir

De vez en cuando, hay que escribir. Para no perder la costumbre.

Voy a tener que cambiar el enfoque del blog. Ya no vivo en RD (erredé) así que se me hace difícil poner fotos de letreros barbaricos. Ademas que para eso esta Melaza y el Master.

Yo no se si alguna vez tu has escuchado musica. No dique poner el radio en FM y poner una emisora que esta tocando una cancion que te gusta...o el equivalente a estos tiempos, Pandora.

No, yo digo conseguir un album que te gusta de verdad, en el formato mas fiel posible, ponerlo en un equipo reproductor de alta calidad, sentarte en tu silla favorita y ESCUCHAR lo que sale de ahi.

Ya entiendo la obcesion obsecion obcecion  el apuro de mi abuelo, mi Tío y el viejo mio de comprar discos de pasta, amplificadores enormes con ecualizadores graficos, filtros de linea, reguladores de voltaje, bocinas mas grande que yo y eso también explica los horribles cartones de huevo pegados en el techo para reducir el eco. Esa vaina es ápera.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Esto todavia funciona

Hoy me encontre tremenda sorporesa.

Un email de google diciendome que yo tengo una vaina ahi que se llama adsense y que ello tienen un cheque para mi, y que todavia no me lo pueden entregar hasta que yo no complete mi perfil.

Yo tengo casi 4 años ignorando ese email.

Hoy por vaina de curiosidad, pensando yo que me van a mandar un cheque de 45 chele, decido ver mi balance.


Casi 110 dolares.

Entonce, lo que voy a hacer es que la proxima vez que vaya a la isla, voy a llevar eso chelito a drinks 2 go, voy a comprar lo que de en brugal añejo, hielo y vasos de foam, y to el que quiera ir a beber romo con hielo en vaso de foam, que venga. Cortesia del doctor.


no vemo pronto.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hello, you...

Thanks for reminding me I had a blog.
How are you?
Where are you? .

Things have changed a lot since we last met.

I've traveled a lot, I'm married, I have a better job... Life is good.

Hope I get to see you soon.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Inventos de la gente

Vamo a pone varia cosa clara. Para la posteridá

#1- Mojarse en la lluvia no da gripe ni enferma.
#2- Acostarse con lo cabello mojao no enferma.
#3- Beber agua fria depue de planchar no pasma.
#4- Ponerse chancleta cuando ta tronando e una etupidé. Si te va a da corriente, decalzo o con teni te da corriente.
#5- Cenar ligero no rebaja.
#6- Almorzar tarde no engorda.
#7- La mielda de poyo no hace crecé lo bigote ni lo cabello.
#8- Beber agua depue de un jugo no diluye la vitamina del jugo.
#9- La tapita que tiene el nintendo abajo NO E PA JUGA JUEGO DE SEGA.
#10- La leche en polvo no se pega del etómago.
#11- La mujere embarazada pueden comé mango. La placenta no se pega por comé mango.

Tu sabe algun invento de la gente? no ta seguro si e velda o no?
dejame un comment.

How I fixed Voicemail problem after iOS4 upgrade

After upgrading my iPhone from Jailbroken 3.1.3 to iOS4, I couldn't check my voicemail and I had no internet (3G or edge).

Im a PC so this instructions are for PC users.

Forget about calling AT&T, they wont help you at all.



- Put your phone into DFU mode.
Connect your phone, open itunes, let it backup, then HOLD THE POWER BUTTON AND HOME BUTTON. When you hear the first connect sound, release the power button. When you hear the second connect sound, release the home button.

- iTunes will ask you if you want to restore your iPhone to factory settings. Click Yes.

- After a while it will ask you if you want to restore from your backup. Unplug your phone, check your voicemail. It will call your voicemail, then hang up. Call your voicemail again, and it will ask you to set a password. Set a password, hang up, and visual voicemail should work again.

- Reconnect your iphone to itunes, and set up as new iphone. Let it sync everything from your outlook and itunes (contacts and apps), then sync your music, videos, ringtones, etc. etc.

-Thats it. You should have voicemail and 3g/edge

I tried to restore my phone from my backup, but it messed up the voicemail 3g/edge again.

Feel free to post other fixes you find in the comment area.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The website is down


switching To dropbox/linuxserver

Monday, March 15, 2010

My NBDE1 Notes

Probably in mid June, I'll take my National Board Exam [again].

I've decided to memorize old exam questions this time (as recommended by multiple people)

I will edit this as I come up with more ideas...I hope someone can use this...ENJOY!


Cranial nerves:
I Olfactory
II Optic
III Oculomotor
IV Trochlear
V Trigeminal
VI Abducens
VII Facial
VIII Vestubulochoclear,
IX GlosoPharyngeal
X Vagus
XI Accessory
XII Hypoglossal.

Oh Oh Oh! To Touch And Feel Virgin Girl's Vagina And Hymen!

mnemonic for dominicans:

I- Metete "UN" deo en la nari (Olfactory)
II- Lo tre chiflado se sacan lo sojo con "DO" deo. Esa vaina duele. (sensory) (Optic)
III- Uno, Callate, Dos, te callas, "TRES", Sube el culo en el motor. (Oculomotor)
IV- Trochlear (Just learn it!)
V- Trigeminal (If you dont know this one, you need to study architecture or something)
VI- I got abducted by satan (6) (Abducens)
VII- Brad pit tiene una cara bonita (From the movie SEVEN) (FACIAL)
VIII- Cant think of anything for this one....( Vestibulochoclear)
IX- NO TE PONGA EL DEO EN LA GARGANTA QUE VOMITA!! (x= NO I=Deo) (Glossopharyngeal [gag reflex])
X- Que hace un vago? no hace na! (X = nada) (vagus)
XI- El palito alante de la X e un accesorio (Accessory)
XII- Nada de Lengua Chiquita (X = Nada II kinda looks like a tongue) (Hypoglosal)


It ain't easy being a teenager. You can get Ewing's sarcoma and shit.

Ewing's sarcoma affects teenagers mostly.


Tragic love story:
The sphenomandibular ligament could not let go of his lingula... He was attached to it. <3>

The sphenomandibular ligament
attaches to the lingula (of the mandible).


"No Interstitial cells (of Leydig), no testosterone...sorry, office policies..."

Interstitial cells
(of Leydig) stimulate the release of testosterone.


"Piglet Has no Barr Body."
Barr Body assists in differentiating the sex of a cell.


Ma Te MPte -
Muscles that elevate the mandible:
Masseter, Temporalis, Medial Pterygoid.


Your Buche is located in your face

The facial nerve innervates the buccinator muscle


-(superior) Head
-(Middle) Testicle
-(Inferior) Foot

The Right Lung usually has 3 lobes


You use periodontal dressing after perio surgery. Cemento ---- perio
Cementum is produced by cells of the periodontal ligament


Los pulpos tienen dientes.
Dentin is produced by pulp cells


My doctor said I Can't play my djembe anymore. I suffered a Myocardial Infarction, and now I got Dysrhythmia.
The most common complication of Myocardial Infarction is Dysrhythmia.


Get rid of your wrinkles with the new SHARPIE'S FIBER
® [PERMANENT MARKER]!, (with collagenous fibers).
Sharpey's fibers consist of collagenous fibers

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Metal Animals \m/

First, I found this:

Then, someone emailed me this:

Which reminded me of this one:

Come back later, and I'll kill the rest of your neurons.
